Tethered To Sanity

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Well, camp starts in less than 24 hours, and I''m a little worried that it is going to suck and be awkward, and I'm just going to want to go home. Blah. The best thing about camp I think is that I don't have to work McD's until next Tuesday. Which is good because I needed a break. Yesterday I was coming in the back door, and the door closed on my middle finger. I didn't break my finger, but it is definitely damaged. it's all swollen, and a little discolored. This happened at like 2:00pm, so for the last five hours of my shift I would put my finger in a cup of ice water, and justs keep on keepin on.

I did get my 'financial aid award' letter from HC, though. It looks like with all of the increased scholarship money, student loans, and grants that I am getting that my parents might not even have to take out a PlusLoan. however, my mom is awesome and going to take out a PlusLoan anyway so that I can get that money in a refund and pay off my car and my laptop and maybe even my credit card, so that all I have to worry about during the school year is my rent and cell phone bills. I am amazed that my mom is willing to do that when she doesn't even have to take out a loan for tuition. It makes me feel a little more confident with my ability to live on my own next year.

Contemplate this: What's the difference between planning ahead to be cautious and the old adage "don't count all your eggs before they're hatched"?


  • At 11:12 PM , Blogger PrincessMike said...

    Have fun at camp!

  • At 1:26 PM , Blogger sljones said...

    thanks, camp seems to be going okay at the moment, some drama of course, but it's not out of control.

    so, thinking about wayne, huh? it is a small town, but it's not too bad--my parents' house is near by and I have family in wayne. later :o)


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