Tethered To Sanity

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

One week down

I survived the first week of school. I am only slightly surprised by this since I worked a lot still last week. On Wednesday I worked from 5pm to 3:30am. It was a lone couple of days. I didn't miss any of my classes yet, which is cool, I guess. I really need to try to keep up on my homework and Forensics, though. My classes this semester require a lot of reading, and I only have two speeches that are even close to being ready for me to memorize, and then I have two others that I'm just looking for lit for. The first tournament is in two weeks and I don't think that I am going to be ready. Who knows, maybe I will be ready. I am definitely not going if my mouth doesn't feel any better, though. I think that my wisdom teeth are moving again--on both sides--and that I am grinding my teeth when I sleep, again. It sucks because there is this constant ache that won't go away, and I wake up during because my mouth is throbbing. I wish that I could just get my wisdom teeth pulled, but I don't have any dental insurance and I don't have any extra money to pay for it. It will prbably just go away eventually like usual, but it just hurts to much, that I am exhauted all the time.

And we had CARE retreat this weekend. I always have mixed feelings about retreats--no matter what they are for. I never want to go, and there are times when I have some fun, some work, and then boredom. The retreat this weekend, was a lot of work and a little bit of fun, and moments of boredom. And I have to admit that in general I am feeling a bit underappreciated. At work, in the activities that I am involved in, and from my 'friends'. And I use quotations because the people who I thought were my friends, I haven't even hung out with since we have been back. Yes, I know we have all been busy getting back into the swing of things, but they have had time to hang with others. Mlah, whatev. Anyway, one of that ways that I feel underappreciated is that in CARE, Everyone used to tell me how much that valued my opinion and point of view, and the tact that I would use, and now they're are saying all of that to someone else. I haven't changed, I am still acting the same way, but now that praise is going to someone else. And the part that makes feel worst is that it is one of my closest friends who is receiving this praise. Jealousy rears it's ugly head.

I guess that I am somewhat looking forward to this semester, it isn't going to be very difficult. I am going to reading about the Da Vinci code, a lot of early British literature, and then argumentation and debate. And that's pretty much it. I have three real classes, and then Forensics for 1 credit and COM Theory Lab for another credit. Not too shabby.

Contemplate this: How can you let people know that you would like to be recognized for all the work that you put forth without fishing for their gratitude?


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