Well, the stress-o-meter is pretty much boiling at this point. I have gotten to the point where I just don't want to do anything ever again. I just done taking an Astronomy exam and it pretty much kicked my ass all of the room. I still have to write a paper and take the final exam for that class and it is still too much. I am also working on the final paper for my English Senior Seminar class and I want to burn it at this point. I just feel like Constance wants me to change ridiculous things and wants me to add things that are not even in the scope of my paper. Glargh! I have to finish the 15 page paper this weekend and then on Tuesday I have to present an 8 page version to the campus. It is so lame. The only saving grace is that I can just read my paper, I don't actually have to give what I would call a presentation. AND I just remember that I have to read four articles about Jane Austen and post on BroncoBoard about all of them! I hate BroncoBoard more than any other educational tool in the universe. Then for my other English class I have two read two more essays and write two more papers. And let's not forget Advanced Public Address. If there was ever an armpit of a class that was a complete waste of my time and money it would be that class. We barely had to attend, had one exam, gave four impromptu speeches, a group presentation, and facilitated two interviews. It pretty much makes me want to say fuck it, or as Mauri would say, "pull a David Sharp."
By the way, I am now living with Mauri until I move away to Grad School in July. I was renting an apartment in the house on Hastings right off of seventh street and my landlord sold the house. So they told me that I had to be out by May 15th (which is right in the middle of finals week!). So, last Saturday I moved in with Mauri so that I don't have to sign a lease in Hastings for the next two months. It was a giant pain in the ass. And now I am basically squatting. It reminds of the Darren-Michael-Holly summer before Dern left Kansas. And Mauri said that I just have to pay for half of the utilities and come up with $50 a month for rent. Not too shabby. Things are going okay so far, right now I am just trying to deal with the fact that I basically a long term house guest. I don't know that I will ever walk into that apartment and feel like I am entering home. Does that make sense? I dunno.
I guess I should update the world on the Forensicsy stuff. Nationals was fun. There was a lot of emotion and stress surrounding the whole thing. Jordan and I especially were worried that we were not going to be in the Top 20 because we only had 29 quals (that is the smallest # since I have been around). In the end, Jordan had some outrounds, Janet got her first quarter, and I got the All-American Award. Oh, an the team placed 15th. I was disappointed that I did not break, but I had my outround last year, and I got the All-American this year--that's more than a lot of people. I think that I can pretty much say that I did okay for myself. I haven't started to miss it yet, but I know that I will.
Also, I ended up getting into four grad schools and three of them offered me assistantships. It wsa pretty fantastic the way that they all made me feel like a hot commodity. I loved it. I ended up deciding that I will go to Mankato. Those phone calls from Larry Schnoor are pretty persuasive. Now, I just have to pass all of my Undergrad classes and I am golden. I don't know how this happened, but every single class that I am taking this semester is necessary for me to graduate. It's comforting and scary as hell.
Oh, and for those who have not heard: Judy Sandeen is retiring at the end of this year. Sad day!
Contemplate this: Is it possible to say good-bye without feeling that lump in the pit of your stomach?